L'interview en Sidecar

By Christophe Duprat

Season 1: summer 2021 in Paris​

Christophe Duprat sets out to meet entrepreneurs who are transforming real estate, riding his Sidecar Qlower.
From the idea to the purchase, covering the transaction or the management, in the new or the old through the SCPI, discover those which simplify the life of the real estate investors.

Episode 1: Thierry Vignal ​

🛵CEO de Masteos sur l’Ile Saint Louis. Masteos, c’est l’investissement immobilier clé en mail !

Episode 2 : Olivier Crevau

🛵Interview de Olivier Crevau, conseiller en patrimoine immobilier des Batignolles au Panthéon. Olivier nous apprend à investir dans le neuf.

Episode 3 : Olivier Seban

🛵 Real estate coach in Neuilly sur Seine. Olivier aims for added value rather than performance.

Episode 4 : Jonathan Dhiver

🛵 CEO of MeilleurSCPI.com between Pigalle and Montmartre. SCPIs, real estate investment without management!

Episode 5 : Hugo Barrier

🛵 President of Statent du Panthéon at the Jardin des Plantes. Finally a search engine for good real estate.

Episode 6 : Vincent Lecamus

🛵 Founder of Immo2 de Montreuil at Place d’Aligre. Immo2, the media that become a trainer in the real estate professions

Episode 7 : Théo Vassoux

🛵Founder of SmartRenting, from Bataclan to Montmartre. SmartRenting organizes subletting and avoids off-peak periods.

Episode 8 : Thomas Venturini

🛵 founder of Liberkeys, from Station F to Rochechouart. Liberkeys digitizes the real estate transaction, at a fixed price.

Do you want to participate in the next season?

Simply fill out the short form below 👇

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Ne tardez plus ! Qlower vous accompagne à un tarif exceptionnel de 240€. Réservez dès maintenant !


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