How Does Amortization Work in LMNP in France?

When discussing the status of a non-professional furnished rental landlord (LMNP) under the Real regime, the term “amortization” often arises as a key advantage of this system. In accounting, amortization refers to recognizing the depreciation of an asset over time. It is a purely accounting charge (not an actual cash outflow) that is tax-deductible, similar to actual expenses.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of amortization? How does it work? 🧐 This article aims to explain these aspects.

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What is the advantage of amortization in LMNP? ?

lamortissement en LMNP, comment ca marche ​Lamortissement en LMNP comment ca marche -8

Under the Real regime, LMNP landlords can deduct both actual expenses paid and the amortization of their property. Unlike expenses such as repairs or loan interest, amortization doesn’t involve actual cash outflow. This accounting charge adds to other deductible expenses, all of which reduce the rental income for tax calculation purposes.


Amortization is often a significant deductible expense, allowing landlords to offset taxable income from the rental property. Consequently, the Industrial and Commercial Profit (BIC) is substantially reduced and often results in a deficit.


Depending on your situation, amortization can enable you to avoid paying income tax on rental income for many years. You can request a simulation from the Qlower team or your accountant to determine your rental income and associated taxes, helping you compare options between the Real regime and Micro-BIC.

What is the disadvantage of amortization in LMNP?

Calculating amortization typically requires professional assistance, such as an accountant or accounting software, due to its complexity. The process involves breaking down various components of your property and determining the amortization period for each, leading to the annual amortization amount you can apply.


It’s crucial to maintain ongoing accounting records. Engaging a professional also significantly reduces the risk of tax reassessment.

How does amortization work in LMNP? ?

Accountants follow an “amortization doctrine” (spanning up to 50 years for certain components) to calculate the deductible charge, which adds to other deductible expenses.

What are the deductible expenses?



  • All maintenance and minor repair costs (if less than €600)
  • Condominium fees (excluding ALUR work funds)
  • Insurances such as non-occupant owner insurance (PNO) or rent guarantee insurance (GLI)
  • Taxes like property tax
  • Management fees
  • Loan interest and bank fees
  • Advertising costs

What are the components of amortization?


  • Land (not amortizable)
  • Building and structural work
  • Roof waterproofing
  • General technical installations
  • Layout
  • Acquisition costs
  • Renovations and furniture

What are the amortization charges?

Amortization charges are expenses exceeding €600 including tax, notably:

  • Furniture purchases
  • Repair works
  • Improvement works

Experience shows that, in most cases, opting for amortization under the Real regime is significantly more advantageous than Micro-BIC (though the latter is commonly used by investors for its simplicity). Combined with other actual expenses, amortization can substantially reduce the taxable income, often eliminating it entirely, thereby avoiding income tax on rental income for an extended period.

You can automate your LMNP accounting and taxation with Qlower

Conseil Qlower

Decomposing a property and selecting an amortization period require accounting expertise, often necessitating professional assistance. Engaging a professional is a wise precaution. The Qlower team calculates the applicable amortization based on your situation (or incorporates amortizations already calculated by your accountant) and integrates it into your accounting under particularly advantageous conditions.

For online LMNP declarations without going through a traditional accounting firm, it’s recommended to use specialized software for rental income declarations, such as Qlower.

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